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Starting of Mock Examinations Season at BIS!

IGCSE-2 and DP-2 Students Began to Pass Mock Exams and Shared Opinions about Their Experience So Far

By: Iskhak Zhumaly uulu

Starting from Monday, 16th of January, students of Bishkek International School in grades IGCSE-2 and DP-2 will start having their mock examinations. These practice exams will give students an opportunity to test their knowledge and identify areas where they need to improve before the official exams at the end of the year. Additionally, they allow students to familiarize themselves with the format and regulations of the official exams and practice answering key questions.

As the mock exams approach, students may feel a mix of emotions, from excitement to stress, so here are some comments about mock exams experience from two students this year :

“The first couple of days are going really well for most of my classmates. I personally do not feel stressed and overwhelmed. I hope it will continue to be so, but I really doubt it.” shared Aruuke Mamatova(DP-2 student)

“My strategy to succeed at Mock exams is going through past papers and reviewing complicated topics.” shared Aymir Mirlan (IGCSE-2 student)

The BIS encourages all students to take the mock exams seriously and to use them as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement. By focusing on their weaknesses and working to improve them, students will be better prepared for the official exams at the end of the year. With hard work and determination, students at Bishkek International School can achieve great results on their mock exams and be well-prepared for their official IGCSE and IB exams.

Good luck to IGCSE-2 and DP-2 students!