DALLE 2 Image of an overwhelmed student By: Aisha Turdieva Everyone has been through the feeling of not wanting to do anything. Motivating has always been difficult, however, if done the way that...
Created with Bing AI Image Generator By: Aisha Turdieva There are many different techniques for studying, and not all methods might work for you. To succeed well in any academic environment, you...
Image Source: Art by DALL-E 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 22nd February 2023 By: Aisha Turdieva What are ISA tests and why do we take them? ISA (International School’s Assessment ) is an...
Thomas, a Grade 6 student, has started a composting system at BIS. By: Aisha Turdieva Community projects; the ecstatic, the unknown, the relinquished wished service for other people - What is it?...
Mr. Taylor Weidman teaches a Grade 8 class By: Aisha Turdeiva What is the difference between Primary Year Programme(PYP) and Middle School Progamme(MYP)? They are both International Bachelorette...
By: Aisha Turdieva Are you a student in our school? Or a future student trying to get a better understanding of BIS? Regardless of your reason, here you can find all information you need to maximize...
Williams College - Open Source Image Every year tens of thousands of students apply to top schools, and only a small fraction of them succeed in getting accepted. What does it take to get accepted...
A Tennis Court - a good place to find new friends. In Picture: Rafael, Hadizha, Katya, Alan, David Sofia and Timur It is recommended that people have multiple social circles. However you may...