Embarking on an intensive gym journey of personal transformation is a pivotal step towards better physical and emotional strength. Although challenging, through consistency and perseverance, the gym...
Picture this: more than a thousand of us gathered for the first Good Food Fest in Bishkek on November 4th at “ТРЦ Dordoi Plaza.” It was great, and guess what? We turned the place into a...
On Saturday, November 18 2023, after the "Future Careers Day," event, PAMC hosted a wonderful "Friendsgiving" buffet dinner at the school cafeteria, bringing students, parents, and administrators...
Bailanysh stands for connection, so how has the newspaper connected to students in the past 3 years? By: Arina Tuboltseva Bailanysh News is a news source that has inspired, entertained, and united...
To help you decide on your IB subjects, Aliya shares her experience in art classes. By: Darika Zhaparova Dear readers, As a features writer and IB student I decided that we should talk more about...
The school library is a sanctuary for readers, but finding something to read is always a big decision. Find suggestions from students and teachers here! By: Arina Tuboltseva Have you ever gone to...